Crystal of the Week: Celestine

Celestite is the crystal of angels. It is all about your higher self and communicating with the spirits – the ancestors – and the spirit world. It is used to make connections to the angel realm and even to angels themselves. “Tradition has it that celestite has been given consciousness raising and guidance powers from the angels. Using with sincere prayer or meditation one can channel angelic wisdom and communications”.

Celestine is an excellent tool for astral travel and meditation. It helps one to block out the noise of the world and focus on the inner higher voice of intuition. It also purifies the aura of humans as well as other beings. This aids in healing relationships as well as enhancing them. From its synergistic energies of the crown and throat chakras, Celestine brings balance to thought processes and communication.

In crystal healing work, it is used for healing eye problems, mental disorders, stress and anxiety related disorders, ear problems, proper cellular order, eliminating toxins, thyroid, digestive problems and headaches.

Celestine is associated primarily with the crown and throat chakras. It is also said to perfect all the chakras, balancing and energizing to the highest level.

Celestine’s energy is gentle and soft but it also calls out to one. It is mesmerizing energy almost feminine in nature. Cool.  Calm. Collected.

Celestine is a high vibrational crystal that improves ones access to divine wisdom. Personally, when working with Celestine I always feel very calm my mental feels at ease. I feel lighter – and I feel more Intune with myself. In away there’s this divine feeling that I begin to feel when around this crystal.

When cleansing this crystal do not use water in anyway Celestine can be damaged by water.

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